Just a reminder that the Pittsford Prowling is tonight from 5:30-7! The Prowling will start at the entry doors by the softball field! Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, 10/25/2023 Student Announcements
Do you want the LATEST and GREATEST Wildcat news? Keep Up With The Wildcats and follow our new page!
Elementary Scholastic Book Fair starts next week! October 24th - 28th. The Book Fair will also be open during the Halloween Prowling event on Wednesday, October 26th!
** please remember to include tax when sending money with your child **
Mrs. Towers was nominated as the October teacher of the month for Pittsford Area Schools. She is our Student Council Advisor and coordinated our Homecoming festivities. Mrs. Towers worked with community members, parents, teachers, coaches, administration and students to ensure that Homecoming was a success. She coordinated the Homecoming pep assembly on the football field where students participated in various games and activities. She coordinated the Homecoming parade, which included nearly all of our fall athletic teams and was led by the Jefferson Township Fire Department. We are so grateful for Mrs. Towers' dedication and commitment to our students and our community!
Thank you to the Randall and Nancy Guise Foundation for their generous donation of $2,500 to our "Caring Cats" program! The donation will be used to help support students in need throughout the school year. The money will help to buy shoes, clothes, coats and toiletries for our students who may need them. The mission of the Randall and Nancy Guise Foundation is to make a positive impact on the youth of Hillsdale County.
Congratulations to Coach Davis and Coach Hollis and the Jr. High football team on an undefeated 5-0 season! Great job, Wildcats.
There is a can food drive between the North Adams Rams and the Pittsford Wildcats with the winner being the school that brings the most can goods to school the next four days. The food will then be distributed to needy families through out both communities. All food can be dropped off to Mr Burger at the school. Let's help out those who need a hand. Let's go Wildcats!
Any one interested in announcing for the boys or girls varsity basketball games please contact Mike Burger at 517-610-0531.
Just a reminder that tomorrows Junior High Volleyball match against Waldron will start at 4:30.
First grade fun on picture day!
Pittsford Area Schools is accepting Snow Plowing/Removal bids. Please contact the school at 517-523-3481 or email rachel.brackman@pittsfordk12.org if interested.
Friendly reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday, October 5th is Picture Day not pajama day! Seniors will need their cap and gown.
Warm the Children-Providing warm clothing for local children in need.
Due to the power outage tonight’s volleyball match against Tekonsha and cheer practice have been canceled.
All HACC students please be on the bus by 7:45 a.m. tomorrow.
Any student in grades 6, 7, or 8, interested in middle school cross country, practice will start tomorrow after school. Please out by the track.
Coach Smith
Middle school volleyball & football practice for 6th(volleyball only), 7th & 8th grade begins after school on Tuesday. Practice ends at 4:30. Students MUST have a physical turned in to begin practicing. Practices for the first week will be right after school.
Pittsford welcomes new superintendent, Pittsford alumnus Josh McDowell.
Registration has begun for the Pittsford Clay Target team for the fall league. If you/your student 6-12 grade would like to participate, contact Coach Mike Pidd for details. 517-425-7411.
Thanks! -- Coach Pidd